Connecting between people suffering from leprosy complications, leprosy specialists, family members, and leprosy people organization (LPOs) at the time of movement restriction due to the COVID pandemic
Understand the feasibility and result of modern technology for virtually serving the persons who are suffering from leprosy complications, particularly the elderly, women, children, those residing in an inaccessible region, and those with mobility issues.
Our approach to overcome the challenges:
Partnership between TLMI-B, Sasakawa Health Foundation HF, ALO, and local leprosy People Organization (LPOs)
Community Resources Person (CRP-staff of LPOs), skilled project staff, and leaders of LPOs prepared a list of people who usually seek admission to leprosy hospital for complication service and live very far from the Hospital and are unable to travel.
CRPs, leaders, and field staff oriented on the digital service system and ensure smart mobile with mobile data.
CRP visited persons with leprosy complications at home and used digital video calling platforms like WhatsApp and Imo to connect with doctors of TLMI-B.
The doctor did a consultation with the person and eligible family members, provided prescriptions to them distantly manageable, and refers if non-manageable complicated.
Engage family members, LPOs leader, CRP for further follow-up.
Digitally we serve 120 people and as a support team received 300 calls from people and family members who received digital care.